Why your Estonian ID card won't register in OSX Keychain Access
If you’re a developer and once tried to login via SSH to your virtual server, this might be why you can’t sign in to online services anymore.
The symptoms aren’t really obvious - you won’t be able to sign in to banks or other services. Swedbank prompts you with a “Kasutaja tuvastamine ebaõnnestus” while eesti.ee will show a SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED error. When you open Keychain Access, the card will not be listed on top on the left sidebar (above the login keychain). OpenSC tools will identify the card correctly
$ opensc-tool -n
After about an hour of google-fu, I discovered I had installed opensc and this caused Keychain Access to not see the ID card. However, signing/opening signed documents worked perfectly fine with DigiDoc. A simple (but annoying) fix is to remove opensc:
$ brew remove opensc
After this, a reboot should take care of it.
Hope this saves you some time!